Monday, July 13, 2009

Home Again

Whew!! What a ride. I am at my dining room table this AM, looking at the Blue Ridge Mountains, instead of the Himalayas. International travel is a marvelous thing. After being awake for 33 continuous hours (it didn't seem that long!) and flying for 19 1/2 of those, 5 movies, BBC News, and countless cat naps (hard to sleep with babies crying and you are stuffed in like sardines -- all my flights were PACKED!), I got to Fishersville last evening around 11:00PM. I have felt your prayers for safety, and I owe you. I slept 6 hours, and am so amped up that I can't sleep more. Now to go shave this beard ... ... a good cup of coffee, the morning paper, a HOT shower!! It doesn't get much better than this. I will recap everything within the next couple of days, and start working on a presentation for the many groups and all of you who have supported me. Bear with me while I wrap up. Oh yeah, the milk wagon just arrived ...... (:
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  1. Glad you arrived safely. I wondered how long it would take until you shaved. :) I'm sure you will be reflecting and processing for quite a while...and changed in some ways forever. Look forward to hearing everything! Enjoy that good coffee and the gorgeous view of those rolling hills. Welcome home.
