Monday, July 6, 2009


Monday night, and I am just checking your replys. I couldn't help but send some more photos. #1 is mainstreet Sonamag, with the restaurant, beside the general store, beside the open air butcher shop, with garbage collection going on as we watch. In this part of the world, someone likely does own the cow and it is not someone's reincarnated grandmother. The Muslim own and use them, and since pasture is so cheap, & garbage is free -- well, go figure!
Is that alot of volts?? It is common for folks to get electrocuted while trying to tap into open lines and steal electricity!

Skeet, this photo is for you. The chicken is a very important product in this part of the world and so is eggs. We often have hard boiled eggs for breakfast. One morning I had an omelet, which was a deep fried cracked, fresh egg, fried in butter. Yummy!

The only 'water' buffalo that I have seen. There were 3 of them at this camp, at 6,200'. They tend to look for the wet places to lay -- this also happens to be where the women wash clothes and dishes! All rightly, then ..... More tomorrow. BLN
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  1. WOW! That's some serious writing you have done over the past 24 hours!

    SO much fun to read along. Thank you!

    And might I say, I am SO thrilled with your pictures! You are doing a terrific job! The picture of the little girl with the duct tape bad juju warder-offer is so crisp and clear and in focus. And it's just so telling.... and so sad to think about the bondage they live in (spiritually.) That picture alone breaks my heart and gives me compassion for these people whom I'm sure are becoming very close to your heart.

    My other favorite picture to date is the one of your 'budda stance' - you just look so proud. That one is definitely a framer.

    We sure do miss you around here but are so proud of the work you are doing. And your beard! Wow! It's gotten a little longer since we last saw you. :)

    It really is a shame your vet student was able to go with you - she could have had such an opportunity to speak with those women. I think CVM had the right idea with sending both genders along. Maybe next time. :)

    "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace."

  2. Bruster - so great to hear from you after days of not. The first thing that comes to mind after these latest postings is what a fine teacher you must be! Not only sharing your knowledge and skills of veterinary medicine, but also your willingness to teach "Economics 101" or how to make a rope twitch. It's that whole "giving a helping hand, not a handout" idea that it so important, and obviously speaks volumes to the Gujjar people. I also continue to be touched by your generosity and kind gestures like giving away a ball cap. ALL these things will stick in their minds long after you are gone. Keep up the great work. Your comments and pictures are amazing, but nothing will beat hearing about it in person! You remain in my prayers every single day.

  3. Thanks for sending the blogspot address. I have been trying to find it for days. I am glad to read that things are going good. I read in the earlier days that you hiked up to 15,000 ft. You are the man!! As far as the voltage in the picture (132,000 VOLTS!!). Let put it this way the concrete power poles at camp are 117,000 volts. Yes that is a lot. Do not let anyone talk you into any favors by trying to hook up any wires. Remember you are the vet not the power man. This is not like putting a thermocouple in the burner at the clinic. I am glad to see you are great along good. Can not wait to see the rest of the pictures.

  4. We loved the one of the chicken truck-Don't think it would hold a house full of our chickens, not even sure it would make it to the plant. Love reading every day about what you have accomplished, you are following your calling and we are very proud of you. Keep teaching and spreading God's work, we love you-Thomas (Skeet) and Gail

  5. Hi, Bruce: Your posting are wonderful.And the photos are exceptional! We are glad you have had such a great experience but will be glad to know you are home safe and sound. Prayers for a safe journey home.
