Monday, July 13, 2009
Home Again

Friday, July 10, 2009

I think it is the faces that mean the most to me. Your face, the face of strangers, the faces of my church family. I see Him in each one of these photos. The smile of the old woman, the coy glance of the young girl, the old man with the coke bottle glasses. Then, there is this aging, fat, white guy. Where did those bags come from under the eyes? What is he looking at -- is it the future? Why so much gray in the beard?
In the mountains, the Gujjar say that a person's life story is written in their face. I hope my face tells a story that is pleasing to God, and that will lift up others. The team tells me that I have the gift of teaching and encouragement; I will embrace that thought.

As I look at these Gujjar people, and said good-bye to the men this morning (they have all left for their villages and family), I am hoping that they remember my face. I trust that I have given them all something to keep. I am hoping that it is the power of knowledge, the wisdom of compassion, and the understanding that we all serve the same God. I am aware that is a very large request for a short-term trip like this, but my prayer is that I will remain faithful with what God has given me.

These people don't need us. They have been doing fine for many generations. What they need is to empower themselves with knowledge that enables them to provide for themselves. I can say that I have been to the mountain top, and seen over the other side (literally)!! I can't, and won't say this is the last mountain that I will climb. There is much more work to do, and I will embrace that when it comes.

We talk about life-changing experiences. This has been a huge chapter in my life, along with many others. The team here has challenged me to be more spiritual, to be more focused on what God desires for me to do, and I have challenged them to listen to Him as they proceed on their journey. We have all gained from the experience.
The next time I post, I hope to be at my dining room table. It will take me a total of 17 1/2 hours flight time to get home. Who knows how long that will be in airports!! I would ask for your prayers for safe travel, and I hope to greet you in your homes soon, 'Inshallah' (God willing). You have all blessed Nan & I by your support. I hope my mom & dad are proud of me. .. .. .. .. ..
Thursday, July 9, 2009

As I drifted along, my thoughts turned to the relationships that have been built these past weeks. Relationships with the men have been wonderful. We had a good wrap-up with them yesterday, and they asked many probing and insightful questions. Titus was not with us, and it seemed that they were more free to ask delicate questions about animal reproduction that they might not have otherwise asked. I sense a trust and mutual respect that is very healthy. I have had my opportunity to share with how God has worked in my life to bring me to this point in my life. I have given them the cards that demonstrated who was supporting me at home, and those who had supported me financially to be able to come. I feel certain that

they are aware that my being here was a team effort and as a result of prayer, and not because I just wanted to come and see. All the photos are very self-explanatory. The old
Finally, there is the photo of the biggest smile that I have ever seen when I gave away a ball cap. Simple gestures, random acts of kindness, a smile, a touch -- they all make a difference. I am also thinking about how God wants me to use this experience in my own life, as I improve my relationship with Him.
This is to be a packing day. There is a general strike, so most shops and other bazaar/village activity is closed down. Frankly, I am looking forward to clearing my living space and getting back to Virginia. I have had the right amount of time here, but my work is done. I will post again this evening. I fly tomorrow and the next day. More later..... BLN
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The culture, and having fun
In the midst of this sort of everyday fact, I will always remember the animals. Dr Phil Sponenberg, my favorite vet teacher, mentor,
I also haven't forgotten to have fun.! I don't remember what was said in the last photo, in fact, I think they were making fun of me for something that I said. No matter, the Gujjar will laugh along, even if they don't know the joke. I have been strikingly surprised that I could get NO children to sing for a video, Lee Lee. If there is music, it is some quiet humming, but I have not seen a single musical instrument on the mountain, or in the homes. The gentleman in green is Gulzar, the Gujjar man who hears and speaks the best English. He can read Urdu, but he cannot write!! He is very bright, and a tremendous asset to his village. As a boy, he came to these mountains with his family's livestock, and through a twist of fate, met Titus and began teaching him the language, then on to full-time employment. The possibilities for this effort is endless. CVM is already planning to send another team this fall to help out, and I am communicating with the leadership on how to prepare them. Hopefully, they will bring another blessing to this part of the world. What was especially uplifting to me, was to hear these Muslim men pray to God for Ute, for her healing and well being. So, here we are, 2 men praying in English, 4 men praying in Urdu, all praying to the same God. It really isn't rocket science here folks. HE listens if our prayers are genuine, and my prayer is for this group to see the Truth! More tomorrow. BLN
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Class Day #2, Cont.
The office is inside a walled compound, which is very common around most homes, or cluster of homes in this village. The wall is to keep the bad guys out. Titus has a dog that he lets loose at dark, and he does a great deal of night-time barking, often right in front of my open window. This gives me a bit of security, but also disturbs one's sleep. I will look forward to a hot shower, a cup of coffee in the AM, and a full night's rest.
Ladies, you will notice the JenAire stove/oven combo in the next photo. This is the mud cook stove that I mentioned before. Once cured, it is so sturdy that you can stand on it! It gets warm and heats the tent, as well as providing a 2 burner stove. This woman was very demure when I asked who had built it, (indicating that she had) and she agreed to allow a photo to be taken, but at the last second, she diverted her eyes as they often do. I did not want to dishonor her and ask for a 2nd photo
I must tell you about the dogs. (Note the custom made dog house). This dog was a bad one. They let him off leash during the night after everyone goes into their house/tent. He is to keep away the bears, and to keep the sheep/goats from straying. A dog that damages the livestock, or a dog who runs from predators somehow disappears (you get the picture). They are just not useful in this culture, and I did not see children playing with any dog other than a few puppies. We dewormed this one after I demonstrated the 'hold by the chain, lift the front legs off the ground, two hands behind the ears and hang on' (take 'em to the ground if you must -- and I did!) technique that Jenny C. is so good at!(EVERYONE was scared of him!) I knew I was going to get bit, but he attacked the deworming gun instead. He had more Albendazole ON him than IN him, but I am sure he got enough! Pretty exciting.... After the first one, the men then wanted to try my restraint technique on some pretty calm ones, which worked out quite well.
This last photo is of permanent summer houses that this same family has been visiting for generations. Notice the beautiful evergreen trees to the side. We are at over 7,000', and the air is crisp and the scenery magnificent. There is running water from snow melt nearby. This was by far my most favorite and the most beautiful campsite that I had seen. The sides of these houses are built of logs and mud, the roof is logs with sod put on top. As with the house in the foreground, when the roof collapses, they will recycle the materials and build another hut. I remind you that this area gets 8-10' of snow per winter, so the load is pretty intense
The dog is already barking in the compound (LTS --she likes me, and the videos have been WELL received by Titus and the kids). I had the coolest thing happen this evening. Michael and I went for a walk toward the forest behind the village, and just at dusk, 3 jackals came sprinting out of the forest into the open and came up close! I tried a photo, and I am not sure yet if I captured an image or not. They seemed reddish, like a red fox, about the height of a coyote, but like most things in these parts, they were VERY thin, and VERY fast. I guess they didn't like my non-cologne, because as soon as they saw us, they were jetting on back into the forest.
We had a good 4 hour training session this afternoon with the men, and we will schedule another 4 hours in the morning. I had asked for time to go shopping before my stay here is over, and that is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I am not yet sure about Thursday's schedule, but I will be spending most of Friday packing and preparing to leave early Saturday morning. Has it been nearly 2 1/2 weeks already? I am certainly glad to have come for 3 weeks, because 2 weeks would not have been enough time. More tomorrow. BLN
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