Monday, June 15, 2009

Change in Plans

So many of you have been kind enough to worry about my safety. I will be in Northern India, several hundred miles south of the Pakistani border in the Kashmir region, where there remains some dispute concerning country boundaries. My in-country host, Titus Gall, assures me that when I get to the mountains, I will be perfectly safe. He goes on to say that his shepherd's are honorable, God-fearing men, and completely trust worthy. It is the crooks & thieves in/around the airport in Delhi that I need to be on guard against. The good news is that Titus has people in Delhi who will be waiting for me when I get off the plane. I say waiting for me, because of this past Thursday, Paula, my travelling companion (senior vet med student from Mich St) has elected to stay behind and will miss this trip. In many respects, this is a blessing, but in other ways, I would have been happy to have an additional instructor on the trip. At any rate, I have a great peace about my safety. Would all please pray for safe flights and transfers?
I have gear and supplies scattered over two rooms. I am taking books & mail for my hosts & their home-schooling program for their two boys, plus veterinary gear and clothing. Please note that this is an endemic Foot & Mouth Disease country, meaning FMD is present in the livestock that I will be handling. Since we don't want this disease in the US, I will be leaving ALL my gear, clothing, footwear, etc behind. I will also need to be personally quarantined for 2 weeks once I return home. Although a bit controversial in vet med, it is believed that the FMD virus can 'hide' in a human's throat/nose for several days before the body destroys the virus. 2 weeks of not visiting farms or having any contact with livestock will provide extra time for safety.
Lots of planning is about to result in an adventure.! I hope that you as readers can go with me!!
Doc B.


  1. I see you are fully into the 'blog' mode! :) Why don't you take a picture of all your preparation items and post it? Though you did a great job explaining how much stuff you are taking, a picture is worth far more. I remember having my entire living room floor covered with stuff before I left. Hard to imagine it all fit into my bags....

  2. Wow! What an adventure....blessings for safe travel! :)

  3. You have to leave behind ALL clothing? Will they let you back on the airplane like that?

    Safe travels Uncle Bruce.

  4. Hey Doc, this is your new receptionist Lisa. I think what you are doing is admirable and brave. And Sir, you aren't traveling alone, God said, "Fear not, for I am always with you."
    I will pray for your safe return.

  5. I too am concerned about you leaving your clothing behind and your flight home. Perhaps they will place you in 1st class and draw the curtains closed. We will pray about that for you as well as your safety and outpouring of Christ like love to the shepherds. God Bless.
